Kids Dental Treatments at our Rocklin Office!
Preventative Care
Each cleaning and exam visit starts with oral hygiene instruction. This includes showing patients and their parents areas that may be missed when they are brushing at home. Dental treatment is most effective if our patients understand the importance of properly caring for their teeth at home.
We are proud to offer digital imaging for our patients instead of conventional x-rays.
We evaluate each patient individually for their x-ray needs in order to limit unnecessary
We also offer panoramic images of the entire mouth. These images help us assess growth
and development, detect extra or missing teeth, and diagnose any other abnormalities that
may otherwise be missed. This is also a very important tool when developing an orthodontic
plan for each patient.
Sealants are a protective coating placed in the grooves of permanent molars. These help to prevent bacteria and debris from collecting on the chewing surfaces of molars where the toothbrush cannot reach. Although sealants are not 100% effective in preventing cavities, they can greatly reduce the risk.
Fluoride helps to prevent tooth decay by strengthening the enamel and promoting re-mineralization to needed areas. There are new guidelines regarding the use of fluoride. Fluorosis (a condition that weakens enamel) can occur if fluoride is overused. We assess the individual needs of each patient when making recommendations for fluoride use.
Preventative orthodontics
We offer a variety of options to help minimize alignment problems, lessen future orthodontic treatment, and aid the orthodontist in the patient’s future orthodontic care. Some of these options include tooth guidance, habit and expansion appliances, and space maintainers.
Nitrous Oxide
For children who might be fearful or nervous, we offer nitrous oxide. This “silly air” or
“laughing gas” helps relax patients and is very safe. Providing a comfortable dental
experience is always our goal.
'Drill free'
To minimize removing healthy tooth structure on smaller cavities, we use a drill-free
technique called air abrasion that is usually accomplished without anesthetic.
Kid's cosmetic treatments
We always chose the most aesthetically pleasing material when restoring permanent or
baby teeth. There are many options available and we are happy to discuss the pros and cons
of each and make the final decision together.
Behavior management and sedation
Occasionally there is a need to perform treatment on a child that is unable to cooperate
for restorations (fillings). We do not restrain children for dental work. For difficult cases
on young children, we offer an “open-ended” appointment. This means we schedule your
child’s appointment when there are no other kids in the office. By maintaining a calm and
peaceful atmosphere with limited distractions and with the use of nitrous we can usually
successfully complete dental treatment on young children. After all other options have
been exhausted we offer Intravenous (IV) Sedation administered by a specially trained
dental anesthesiologist in our office.
Special needs and 'Happy Visits'!
Our compassionate staff welcomes patients with special needs. One tool that we have seen
work very well is the option of “happy visits”. Happy visits are a quick visit to the office to say
high to the staff, walk around, pick out a prize, and become more comfortable with the office
in general. These visits can be as often as desired to allow the patient to become at ease with
our office before any dental treatment is performed. These visits are complimentary.
May I stay with my child during the visit?
Our open floor plan allows a unique opportunity for parents to be present during all phases
of dental treatment. We also have a specially designed area for parents to sit where they can
still see and hear what is happening with without being seen by their child if this is preferred.